Sunday, September 20, 2009


i dont know what to do, 
now tht i have seen its true face, 
one side its a man, the other a beast,
at this very thought, my heart finds no peace.
it disgusts me, fills me with hatred,
one side so calm, the other a turmoil,
everytime i see it, it makes me weep.

reasons innumerable, thoughts but the same,
what have we become, mad men and insane,
devoid of humanity, nor love or care,
all that is left, lust and despair,
thoughts so hollow, dark and vicious,
nothing but desperate, lewd and lascivious.

i question myself,
when did we become so horrendous and uncouth?
losing all traces of humanity,
ethics, self respect and morality?

now i stand confused and disillusioned,
staring into the blank blue sky,
questioning my inner self,
the eternal question, WHY ??
why did man turn into a beast ?


  1. thats beautiful.its very true and the truth hurts but the way its worded here is very beautiful.....i love it
