Friday, August 6, 2010


some days ago, when i was sitting in my room, all alone and lost in my own thoughts about everything irrelevant and yet so important for our (not mine atleast) and for the daily functioning of mankind as a whole, a small thought popped up, rather a question i should say:

"What is religion.. ??"

a very pertinent question or may be not.. i am sure there are probably millions out there who might have had this same question, at some point of time in their lives and have their opinions and ideas and views.. the thought wasn't any original, but i decided to give it a thought anyways deeming it to be indigenous. after hours of surfing, reading, thinking and arguing with my friend i finally realized the true meaning of religion.. i concluded that "RELIGION IS A DISEASE", probably more deadly than AIDS or any any other known disease to mankind. its like a cancer, an unwanted growth that not only robs mankind of his individuality but also instills in them the fear of god and divine punishment.. but unlike all the other known forms of cancer, this is contagious, spreading from person to person, from country to country. it is a malignant idea, that which roots itself not in the mind of the individual but in his soul, forcing one to do thing which they would have never done in their sane self.

this is probably the only idea, which mankind loves to spread and share.. infecting others and in turn inditing their lives and personal freedom. religion is probably the single most dangerous idea persistent in the current day society. an idea as small as this, has led to the massacre of millions in the past and present, led to numerous wars since the dawn of mankind.. religion is probably more lethal than the black plague of the 14th century.. it feeds like a leech on the minds of those alive, convinces them about itself, molds their minds to suit its never ending thirst for more and then makes them preach about itself to others and promote the idea..

sometimes it feels as if this is not an idea anymore.. it feels as if its alive and is capable of thinking and acting.. religion is probably the one thing that has systematically uprooted everything that mankind has worked for so long: peace, friendship, tranquility and progress. and much to the surprise, we applaud its actions and permit it to continue vandalizing the basic of human rights: personal freedom.

the result of this pandemic is evident.. it has successfully mutated humankind, rendering them incapable of anything but degrading actions and completely bereft of every characteristic that made them human.

kudos to religion on its victory... !! it has successfully turned us all into despicable beasts.


  1. True... but how relevant it is for the current generation? Sure u don't believe in religion like many others..

  2. well the current generation seems to be dumber than the one preceding it.. the preceding ones atleast had an alibi: they were uneducated and illiterate.. the present generation despite being educated is acting worse than illiterates.. the more globalized the world gets, the more the world and all its religions recluse into their protective cocoon to protect their individualism. the insecurity about the invasion of the west, robbing them of their identity leading to extremism and radicalism..

  3. Well said..well compared..Unfortunately this disease is so widespread that there is no cure..there was no cure ever!!! matter of shame :(

  4. Absolute thoughts..keep the good work going!!!
