Thursday, July 14, 2011

Forgive Them... !!

Times have changed and each one of us alive stands witness to that. Times have changed, from the pleasant evenings of the crimson filled sky to the blood smeared roads. Times have changed, from the chuckles and voices of people in a busy market to the deafening noise of screams and blasts. Times have changed, from hustle and bustle of life to piles of corpses and limbs scattered all over the place. Times sure have changed in the past 25 years, my lifespan, so far. I say so far, since i dont know long i am allowed to live anymore, how long will these terrorists have mercy on me and my brethren. My days, i feel, are numbered.

I am writing this article in hope for a change, for i am tired of seeing my fellow countrymen die. I am writing this article, in sheer despair, for i have stood witness to innumerable terrorist attacks and bomb blasts in my meager life span of 25 yrs. I am writing this article, cause i feel the pain of my kinsmen and can hear the screams of the people who have lost a loved one. I am writing this article, cause the gruesome images of the blood pools on the streets of my country, haunt me at night. I am writing this article, cause i feel helpless at the plight of my country and its innocent citizens who have suffered. But most important of all, i am writing this article, because i feel that the anger of losing a loved one has filled the hearts of my people with anger and has clouded their senses; for my people have lost their path and now wander aimlessly in the tunnels of darkness, with blood smeared walls and the stench of burning flesh in the air.

I woke up to a war. I woke up to a time where anger and not sensibility rules our judgement. I woke up to an era, where people understand pain and hatred but not love, understand anger and punishment but not forgiveness, understand haste but not patience, understand the problem but not the solution, understand despair but not hope, understand death but not life and most important of all, understand religion but not god. Its difficult to comprehend the pain that someone goes through when they lose someone, but then its equally difficult to show compassion towards those who wrong us. It might sound stupid and probably over applied in the Indian scenario, since we are known to be compassionate towards our enemies since time immemorial and thus have been always at the receiving end. But then we also must understand that terrorism is an idea, a concept that brews in the minds of the weak. One cannot kill terrorism by killing the person who harbours it, for it will find a new mind to corrupt and prey upon. An idea must be changed and through this change can we truly achieve what we all strive i.e. Peace. Justice will not be done to the constable's soul who gave up his life to catch Kasab by hanging Kasab, but by bringing about a change in the minds of all those who will become Kasab's in the days to come. True justice is in bringing about this change and not in killing the one who killed 167 people.

The world is truly a fragile place. Fragile cause something as important as Peace hangs on the balance of volatile people and countries. People are vulnerable, emotional and unstable. The loss of a loved one, a dear friend, a husband, a wife, a father, a son, a mother drives us insane to the extent that we would do anything to see the person who caused this loss, suffer the same fate. All i have to say is that an eye for an eye, a hand of a hand, a limb for a limb will leave the whole world dead. This saga of i-kill-you-because-you-killed-me will only bring more violence rather than peace. It will push us all into a vicious cycle of violence and death from which none of us will ever be able to return back. 60 yrs into independence and already the thin fine line between who was right and who was wrong is starting to blend into oblivion. 200 yrs from now, we probably will not even know anymore as to what was right and what was wrong. We would have all turned into mindless and heartless zombies who only care about getting even with the ones who hurt them. Humanity is already at peril and in 200 yrs or less it will be extinct.

One day, things will change. One day the world will realize. One day our lives will be better. One day, life will be beautiful and sacred once again. I lay awake in hope to see that day when peace and sanity will once again prevail upon us and our lives and the generations to come ahead, unlike us, will wake up to a better world. One day, I hope that the streets in india will change for better and that people will cast of their fears to walk freely someday. One day, I hope for a change of heart for those who think killing the right or the wrong ones is the solution to the problem.

But Today, i pray for those who lost a loved one in the Mumbai blasts and ask God to rest their souls in peace. But on this day, i also ask God to forgive those who caused harm to these innocent people for they are misguided and misled. I pray that someday, God grants them enlightenment and makes then realize their sins and show them the correct path. Amen.. !!

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